11+ Yorkshire
There are 164 grammar schools in England
Yorkshire has 6 grammar schools
There are three Local Authorities in Yorkshire with grammar schools within their boundaries: Calderdale (2 grammar schools), Kirklees (1 grammar school) and North Yorkshire. If you are looking for your child to gain a place at a Yorkshire grammar school, you will need to complete an application form to register your child for the 11+ entrance exam. Registration for the 11+ entrance can be completed by visiting the relevant county council website. If you do not complete and return this form before the deadline, your child may not be able to sit the exam.
The 11+ exam boards in Yorkshire vary between CEM (Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring), GL Assessment (Granada Learning) and the school itself. Therefore, the best thing to do is visit the school websites, or consult your local education authority website for the most up-to-date information.
In order to succeed in the 11 plus exam, preparation is key to building the necessary skills and confidence. Questions covered in the 11 plus test require an in-depth knowledge of various topics, including those that may not be taught at school, e.g. Non-Verbal Reasoning. KSOL’s personalised online courses are suitable for all types of 11+ entrance exams and are completed by children across the country, to help them prepare for the big day. Whatever their needs, we will tailor your child's course to tackle weaker areas head on!
KSOL recommend that parents visit their preferred Yorkshire grammar school/s directly to help when considering which schools to include on your child’s local authority school preference form. This will help when considering which order to list your preferred schools. The deadline to complete this form is the 31st October.
Yorkshire Grammar School Directory
Crossley Heath Grammar School
Savile Park
Website: https://www.crossleyheath.org.uk/
Telephone: 01422 360272
Email: admin@crossleyheath.org.uk
North Halifax Grammar School
Moorbottom Road
Telephone: 01422 244 625
Web: https://www.nhgs.co.uk/
Heckmondwike Grammar School
High Street
West Yorkshire
WF16 0AH
Telephone: 01924 402202
Email: info@heckgrammar.co.uk
Web: https://www.heckgrammar.co.uk/contact/
North Yorkshire
Ermysted's Grammar School
Gargrave Road
North Yorkshire
BD23 1PL
Telephone: 01756 792186
Email: admin@ermysteds.n-yorks.sch.uk
Web: https://www.ermysteds.co.uk/
Ripon Grammar School
Clotherholme Road
North Yorkshire
Telephone: 01765 602 647
Email: admin@ripongrammar.com
Website: http://www.ripongrammar.co.uk/
Skipton Girl's High School
Gargrave Road
North Yorkshire
BD23 1QL
Telephone: 01756 707600
Email: reception@sghs.org.uk
Website: https://www.sghs.org.uk/
Please note that the information on this page was believed to be accurate at the time of publication.
However, KSOL always recommend checking with the individual school websites or contacting your local consortium of grammar schools before acting upon any information given.
Alternatively, contact our team on 0121 733 6558 for any further 11plus advice.