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Meet the team - KSOL

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Meet our Qualified Teachers

A whole team behind you and your child, every step of the way.


Senior Tutor

What is your proudest moment as a KSOL tutor?

Receiving a heartfelt thanks from the students I have had the pleasure of working with when they succeeded in their goals.

Why did you choose to go into teaching?

It provides an opportunity to make a real difference to a child's education.

If you were a superhero, your super power would be?

To tell the funniest jokes ever!


Senior Tutor

What is your proudest moment as a KSOL tutor?

Hearing from children who have just sat the exam. They are so excited and cannot wait to tell you how they felt it went.

Why did you choose to go into teaching?

I believe everybody deserves nurturing support from a dedicated teacher.

If you were a superhero, your super power would be?

To speak every language so that I can communicate with anyone.



What is your proudest moment as a KSOL tutor?

When a child said that I’d instilled in them a positive outlook and raised their confidence in preparation for their exams.

Why did you choose to go into teaching?

I chose to go into teaching because I wanted to give children a love of learning.

If you were a superhero, your super power would be?

My superpower would be flying, so I could easily travel, see and experience every corner of the world.



What is your proudest moment as a KSOL tutor?

Seeing the students grow in their confidence and ability throughout their time with us.

Why did you choose to go into teaching?

Working with children is so rewarding; no two days are ever the same!

If you were a superhero, your super power would be?

Spreading kindness and joy so that the world would be a happier place.



What is your proudest moment as a KSOL tutor?

Seeing the look on a child’s face when they finally learn something that they have been struggling with.

Why did you choose to go into teaching?

I wanted to help children reach their full potential and gain self-confidence.

If you were a superhero, your super power would be?

To write stories that every child loved, so that they can lose themselves in a book as I do.



What is your proudest moment as a KSOL tutor?

Receiving a call from a parent to say how much the revision course had improved their child's confidence.

Why did you choose to go into teaching?

I wanted to give other children the same teaching opportunities that I had.

If you were a superhero, your super power would be?

To be able to read minds.



What is your proudest moment as a KSOL tutor?

Launching our virtual tuition centres was amazing and I’m so proud of the platform we’ve developed to bring our tuition to more children.

Why did you choose to go into teaching?

I had a really fantastic English teacher at secondary school. He was so passionate about encouraging a love of learning, beyond his own subject and outside of passing exams, and that inspired me to train as a teacher.

If you were a superhero, your super power would be?

I’d choose to have the ability to understand and communicate in any language.



What is your proudest moment as a KSOL tutor?

When one of my students approached me and said how much their confidence has increased in maths after our one-to-one tuition sessions.

Why did you choose to go into teaching?

I wanted to be a positive influence on every child I have the privilege of teaching to help them move forward in their educational journey.

If you were a superhero, your super power would be?

Ever since I was a child, I wanted to be Spiderman, which remains the same to this day! 



What is your proudest moment as a KSOL tutor?

My proudest moment was sharing feedback with a child and their parents. Seeing how children improve their score by using all of the techniques they had been taught. The whole family were incredibly proud and pleased with their achievement.

Why did you choose to go into teaching?

I was one of those children that loved going to school and learning new things (and still do as an adult). An especially brilliant English teacher made me want to inspire the same passion for learning in others. From the age of 16, I had my heart set on teaching.

If you were a superhero, your super power would be?

I wish I could time travel and teleport (like Doctor Who but without the Tardis). I’d love to visit iconic moments in history and see the world without going through airport security!



What is your proudest moment as a KSOL tutor?

Looking back across the year and seeing how far the children have progressed!

Why did you choose to go into teaching?

I wanted to help children grow in confidence and to inspire them to be excited by their learning.

If you were a superhero, your super power would be?

Speaking to animals (specifically cats).



What is your proudest moment as a KSOL tutor?

Working with the KSOL team is a privilege and seeing all our hard work helping out the wonderful students we teach makes me proud to be a part of the team.

Why did you choose to go into teaching?

My mum and dad were both maths teachers and my grandad was a headteacher, so it runs in the family!

If you were a superhero, your super power would be?

That’s easy, I’d be able to fly to the beach every weekend!



What is your proudest moment as a KSOL tutor?

My proudest moment at KSOL would be celebrating with parents and children from our courses who have worked tenaciously throughout the year, collaborating with myself to achieve their dream result. Equally, the first delivery of the Masterclass LIVE session being a success was an extremely proud moment, delivering learning material to a wide range of children aspiring to better their education.

Why did you choose to go into teaching?

The sense of fulfilment and satisfaction from enabling children, from any background, to reach their academic goals is unmatched. The palpable difference in children’s subject knowledge and confidence from the beginning of the academic year to the end is extremely rewarding.

If you were a superhero, your super power would be?

My superpower would be to read minds – I would know exactly what my friends and family would like for their birthdays!