Over 20 Years of Experience
Why sit a KSOL 11+ Mock Exam?
As leading 11+ specialists, with over 20 years of experience, we understand how crucial mock exams are to a child’s overall 11+ success.
At KSOL we offer both in-person and online mock exams for children in Year 5, designed to provide your child with an accurate representation of the real 11+ entrance exam. Each year our team of qualified teachers undertake extensive research into the format, content and overall experience of sitting the 11+ GL Assessment exam. With this information to hand, we can confidently provide the very best 11+ mock exam experience for your child.
KSOL mock exams are set at the appropriate level expected from children at each point in the academic year. Therefore, you should view each exam as a helpful checkpoint to set realistic and manageable goals. By providing both a detailed analysis of your child’s overall exam performance and a confidential ranking, KSOL are proud to offer unrivalled exam feedback to set your child on the path to 11+ success.